Best Practices for Virtual Talent Appearances: Ensuring High-Quality Remote Contributions


Ensuring High-Quality Remote Contributions

In the evolving landscape of media production, virtual appearances have become a staple. Whether it's an interview, a guest spot, or a panel discussion, the ability to join a broadcast from anywhere in the world has never been more accessible. At Murray Hill Studios, we understand the importance of delivering high-quality audio and video, even when talent can't be in the studio. Here are some best practices for talent joining us for virtual productions (or remote productions) from other locations, along with how our team can assist in setting up optimal environments in your home, office, or any other space you have available.

 1. Stable Internet Connection

A stable, high-speed internet connection is crucial for any virtual appearance. Ensure that your internet speed is sufficient to handle video conferencing without interruptions. Wired connections are generally more reliable than Wi-Fi, so connect directly to your router if possible. It is generally recommended to have at least a 10 Mbps upload speed but obviously, the faster the better. If you are appearing from a home environment, make sure any others who might be sharing your internet connection refrain from using the internet, or at least keeps their use to an absolute minimum. Avoid sharing an internet connection with someone streaming movies or playing high-bandwidth video games.

 2. High-Quality Camera and Microphone

The built-in camera and microphone on your laptop might be convenient, but they often don't offer the best quality. We can help suggest some options in a good external webcam and microphone so that you know you’re making a great investment. A high-definition camera will ensure a clear picture, while a quality microphone will capture your voice crisply and reduce background noise. If you are contributing to news and other broadcast shows, lavalieres are generally best. If you are joining a podcast or something similar, there is an expectation of a radio broadcast style microphone on a desk stand or articulating arm, visible in the shot. There are good reasons for each type, but either way, as long as it is a high-quality external microphone, it will provide for a significantly better experience than using the built-in microphone on your device.

 3. Proper Lighting

Good lighting can make a significant difference in how you appear on camera. Natural light is great, but it should be diffused to avoid harsh shadows. Avoid super bright windows behind you unless they can be shaded with blinds or curtains. If natural light isn't an option, use soft, diffused lighting from a ring light or soft box. Position the light source in front of you, slightly above eye level, to illuminate your face evenly. Let’s schedule a test so we can connect and discuss together what looks best!

 4. Professional Background

Your background should be tidy and professional. A plain wall or a well-organized bookshelf works well. Avoid clutter and distractions that might draw attention away from you. Virtual backgrounds can be useful but make sure they are appropriate and don’t interfere with your appearance on camera. In certain situations, a virtual background can appear pixelated or disappear periodically, or even make it appear that part of your head fades away as well. We recommend only choosing a virtual background if your actual, real background is problematic in some way. At Murray Hill Studios, we can guide you through this process, recommending the best angles and suggesting appropriate backgrounds for your setup.

 5. Reduce Background Noise

Choose a quiet location for your virtual appearance. Inform those around you that you'll be on a live broadcast to minimize interruptions. Instead of listening on your laptop’s built-in speakers, use headphones or earbuds. This can help maintain audio quality by reducing the chances of any feedback or audio cutting out during any moments when you might speak when someone else in the conversation speaks as well. Similarly to the different types of microphones, there are reasons to use over the ear headphones vs. in-ear style monitors or earbuds. For example, if you are joining a radio program or podcast, it is generally more acceptable/preferred to wear over-the-ear DJ-style headphones. Generally speaking, the in-ear type are preferred for broadcast TV/News programs. Either type will help achieve a much better experience for all involved than simply using the built-in speakers on your device.

 6. Test Your Setup

Before your scheduled appearance, it is important to test your setup. Check your internet connection, microphone settings, headphones settings, and camera settings. Familiarize yourself with the video conferencing platform you'll be using. This may sound like a lot, but we can help! Let’s connect and preform a quick run-through of your technical setup so we can help identify and resolve any issues beforehand.

 7. Positioning and Framing

Position your camera at eye level to create a natural and engaging view. Frame yourself so that your head and shoulders are visible, with just a little space above your head. This composition ensures that you are the focal point of the shot. Many people prop their laptop up about 8-10 inches above their desktop. A stack of books can work great if you don’t have some sort of a laptop stand readily available. 

 8. Dress Appropriately

Dress as you would if you were attending a meeting or presenting to an audience, in person. Solid colors typically work best on camera, avoiding overly busy patterns that can be distracting. Make sure your attire aligns with the tone and professionalism of the event and subject matter.

 How Murray Hill Studios Can Help

At Murray Hill Studios, we go beyond just providing tips—we offer hands-on support to ensure your virtual or remote production setup is top-notch. Our team can recommend and help procure the best equipment for your situation. We provide guidance on the optimal arrangement of your home or office setup and help ensure that all A/V elements meet high-quality standards. Additionally, we can conduct test sessions to troubleshoot any potential issues and confirm that everything runs smoothly on the day of your appearance.

For more information on how we can assist with your virtual setup, contact us here!

Let's work together to make your next virtual appearance a success!