Videos for Charitable Organizations and Non-Profits

Fundraising campaigns with videos raise more money than those without. Use video to engage your audience intellectually and emotionally, ensuring they understand and connect with your organization's story, its mission, and its impact on communities. Well-crafted videos educate your audience and differentiate your organization from competitors. Every organization has a unique story, and sharing yours is the best way to stand out. Reach out to us to discuss how we can help you create your fundraising video!


See below for some examples of videos we have produced for non-profits.

Selfhelp Community Services

Selfhelp provides a broad set of services to more than 25,000 elderly, frail, and vulnerable New Yorkers each year, while remaining the largest provider of comprehensive services to Holocaust survivors in North America. Murray Hill Studios has worked with SelfHelp for over 10 years.


Leading for Children

Leading for Children is an organization working to strengthen communities by advancing evidence-based approaches where adults collaborate equitably towards positive outcomes for children. Murray Hill Studios has worked with LFC since its founding in 2016.


International Rescue Committee

IRC delivers comprehensive and cutting-edge solutions to families affected by devastating humanitarian crises in 50+ countries and over 25 cities around the world. While their work and methods vary depending on context and the needs of a community, the goal remains the same: curated and comprehensive solutions that are impactful, efficient and cost-effective. Murray Hill Studios has created several videos for IRC over the years.


Selfhelp Community Services

Here is another video we produced for Selfhelp for their fundraising gala event.